ABESEDARIO; A... fika; B... tambιm; C: korruptela do K, konfundidor inϊtil. D.. fika;
E; tambιm; F, klaro!; G
. deixa eu ver
gato. Fika; H nγo, ese nγo serve pra nada;
I, fika; J, klaro! K, ah! ese sem dϊvida; L, sim. ; M, klaro!; N? sim, sim; O, mas klaro!; P, nem se fala, in-
dispensavel; Q
.kual? nγo, nγo
korta!; R~ fica; S, sem dϊvida; T;~ kom prazer!; U! uuuu fica; V... modesta parte; X~ koringγo kerido!
Se eskesi alguma koisa me eskesa. Brazil, como naseu. //?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????TEXTO?//> |
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tνtulo do desenho:"MassiveAtee"; 23:49; 12 de JUNHO, de 2014; F. / ..//> um antigo; Viaduto para o Humaitα: um outro:@ cineminuto.com.br /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////> Financiamento coletivo. Origem: Wikipιdia, a enciclopιdia livre. Ir para: navegaηγo, pesquisa I want to please Iou; If you liked this and want to contribute with this My number acount is: 5.344-9---- at: 0598-3; Yιs! Anda my number of contributor for this country; is the: 313.143.687-53- All is all right? Nature Boy Massive Attack This story is about love The woman i lo, Loved is dead There was a boy A very strange enchanted boy They say he wandered very far, very far Over land and sea A little shy and sad of eye But very wise was he And then one day One magic day, he passed my way While we spoke of many things Fools and kings This he said to me "the greatest thing you'll ever learn Is just to love and be loved in return" "the greatest thing you'll ever learn Is just to love and be loved in return" Composiηγo: Eden Ahbez · Esse nγo ι o compositor? Nos avise. Enviada por Iranilda letras.mus.br/massive-attack/188713/#tops"> Thanks to the SENAC to; Also to the EMBRAPA. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////> /Anϊncio Google:728X90//===================================================//> /==================================================//aAnϊncio Google:728X90//> /PesquisaGoogle//========================================================////> ///==========================================================PesquisaGoogle//> /XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX//> /XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX//> /XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX//> |